Friday, November 16, 2007

The holidays

The holidays are my favorite time of year simply because famillies get together from their busy schedules to come spend time with one another. The two holidays that I enjoy the most are Thanksgiving and Christmas. Both holidays, most of my family comes over or we go to visit them. On Thanksgiving, for instance, its a tradition that we we usually host thanksgiving at our house. We usually have my uncles, aunts, and cousins over. We always watch football and eat snacks before dinner so we cant really enjoy the turkey, however, we always eat more than we can handle. It is hard to blame us because the turkey takes forever to be ready to eat so the snacks are necessary. Since both my uncle and my sister were born on thanksgiving, we usually celebrate their birthdays then. Besides the pumpkin and pecan pie, we always have a birthday cake that we would never finish along with the leftovers. Thanksgiving is basically a great way to get together with the family, get stuffed with food, and have leftovers for days.

Christmas, is another holiday I've always enjoyed since I was pretty born. I just love all the lights, the songs, and the tradition. Every Christmas, my family and I go to my aunts house for both Christmas eve and Christmas day. On Christmas eve, we do not have big dinner, mostly snacks, however, we open the presents from my aunt that night. Then we go back home to sleep and wake up to the presents from "Santa Claus". Even though, I am twenty years old I still believe in Santa Claus. I still leave out the milk and cookies out, however, I know it is my parents that get rid of them. The next morning, my sisters and I open our presents at our house. Then we leave to go back to my aunts house again for christmas dinner where the big dinner is. We usually have prime rib and shrimp. I cannot wait until the holidays come along. Even though work is going to be hectic, I still cannot wait to have everyone home for the holidays.

1 comment:

razz said...

I love the holidays as well! Everyone is in such a good mood