Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving and Black Friday

Thanksgiving is pretty much a routine holiday. Every year, my parents and I have my aunt, uncle, and cousin over. I wake up in the morning just in time to watch the Macy's thanksgiving day parade and some football. As family starts to arrive, we put out snacks for everyone. Although, we have plenty of food, we always get full early because of the snacks. Finally, after four hours the turkey is ready. Everyone sits down at the dinner table to say what they are thankful for. After that we just start eating until we are stuffed with food. After dinner, it was time to have dessert. We usually celebrate my sister's and my uncle's birthday on thanksgiving. For dessert, we had a birthday cake, pumpkin, and pecan pie. We have dessert and they open their presents. After a while, my family just sit around the television, relaxing after the big meal. During all this time, I have been thinking about the day after thanksgiving known as "Black Friday". It is the time of year where people stand in line at two in the morning waiting for the stores to open. I was dreding going to work because I knew the store would be crowded for a couple hours. I had to leave my house at around 5:15 in the morning to get to work by 5:30 because of all the ice outside on my windows of my car. It was very cold outside, I am not sure how those people waited in line for hours at a time. Once the store opened, the rush of people came in along with the cool air. The store was crowded for about four hours, then it died down for a while. Since I worked a full shift today, along with the rush, I am about ready to pass out.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The holidays

The holidays are my favorite time of year simply because famillies get together from their busy schedules to come spend time with one another. The two holidays that I enjoy the most are Thanksgiving and Christmas. Both holidays, most of my family comes over or we go to visit them. On Thanksgiving, for instance, its a tradition that we we usually host thanksgiving at our house. We usually have my uncles, aunts, and cousins over. We always watch football and eat snacks before dinner so we cant really enjoy the turkey, however, we always eat more than we can handle. It is hard to blame us because the turkey takes forever to be ready to eat so the snacks are necessary. Since both my uncle and my sister were born on thanksgiving, we usually celebrate their birthdays then. Besides the pumpkin and pecan pie, we always have a birthday cake that we would never finish along with the leftovers. Thanksgiving is basically a great way to get together with the family, get stuffed with food, and have leftovers for days.

Christmas, is another holiday I've always enjoyed since I was pretty born. I just love all the lights, the songs, and the tradition. Every Christmas, my family and I go to my aunts house for both Christmas eve and Christmas day. On Christmas eve, we do not have big dinner, mostly snacks, however, we open the presents from my aunt that night. Then we go back home to sleep and wake up to the presents from "Santa Claus". Even though, I am twenty years old I still believe in Santa Claus. I still leave out the milk and cookies out, however, I know it is my parents that get rid of them. The next morning, my sisters and I open our presents at our house. Then we leave to go back to my aunts house again for christmas dinner where the big dinner is. We usually have prime rib and shrimp. I cannot wait until the holidays come along. Even though work is going to be hectic, I still cannot wait to have everyone home for the holidays.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Anyone want Seconds?..not me...

So after halloween, I had my second round of midterms. I do not understand the point in having second midterms. The whole point of a midterm is having a test in the middle of the term. It doesnt mean having two tests in the middle of the semester. Luckily instead of having second midterms for all of my classes. I have a test only three classes, however, I have taken one second midterm so far. Unfortunately, they are both on the same day after my four day weekend. I have taken my business law midterm which was multiple choice and true or false. Most people would think that would be a pretty easy exam having that. Unfortunately, it was not easy as expected. I studied as much as I could and tried my best on it. I am hopeing that I passed. Next week, I have two more midterms. I was hopeing to enjoy my 4 day weekend, but that doesnt look like that will happen. I do not think I will enjoy much this semester until finals are over. I will just have to take one day at a time. This semester has been very busy with school and work, second midterms are not helping me out. I think professors who do not give midterms are even better, hopefully next semester, my professors wont give second midterms. However, that is not very likely.

Friday, November 2, 2007


On a normal tuesday night at work, the store had just closed. My co-workers and I were cleaning up the store for the next day. As I was counting the money in the register, I saw the windows starting to shake and items in the store started falling from the shelves. I must say I was hesitant of what to do or where to go because I was not expecting an earthquake to happen. My manager ran to the front and told us to run to the doorway. The earthquake lasted for at least thirty seconds. After all the shaking was over, my manager, co-workers and I were afraid another earthquake would happen again. Unfortantely, my manager made us stay to finish cleaning up. We were all very shooken up after the quake. I was hopeing there wouldnt be any strong after shocks. However, I was thankful that there werent any customers in the store or else there would have been a complete craziness.

In an article written by the mercury news confirmed that the earthquake had a magnitude of 5.6 and lasted thirty seconds. The earthquake was caused from the calaveras fault and hit the alum rock area the most. This has been the most powerful earthquake since the Loma Prieta quake in 1989 which was from the San Andreas Fault line. We have many fault lines running through California and we can never tell when another earthquake will hit like it did on tuesday again.