Friday, October 5, 2007


Some of my friends often ask me why I never want to get married or have kids. Well often enough it is because I see the way my parents act towards one another. I don't want to have to go through some of the experiences that my parents have. In some of the justice studies classes that I have taken, I have heard quite a few cases about abuse in marriages. Whether the abuse be verbal or physical, it happens in many homes. The husband feels he has control over the women and he is able to do whatever he wants. However the women has to have consent from her husband. While I was growing up, I noticed that my mom had to ask my dad if she could go somewhere or if she could use the car. One reason for this is my dad felt he owned everything since he made the money. It is not fair that women especially my mom have to live this way. Not being able to depend on myself is something i dont want to have to go through. I find myself very lucky to be in college and working to make my own money.

For a couple years now, I havent had that much of a good relationship with my dad. Basically, for the reason how he treats my mom. Do not get me wrong, I do love my parents. They are good parents to my sisters and I. However, they are not good to each other. They married young and didnt know what to expect. I believe any woman can get out of a relationship such as this, but sometimes it is complicated when you have children. I really want to see my mom happy and have no regrets in her lifetime. So when I am asked why I do not want to get married or have children, not because im being selfish, but to have a life where I can whatever I want.

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