Thursday, December 6, 2007

Comming to an end

This monday will be the last day of the semester. Also, starting the first day of my finals. The first final I have on monday is for my business law class. The final consists of multiple choice and a paper. I am relieved that this semester is comming to an end, however, the workload is overwelming. Besides, the business law final this week, I have a sociology final on friday morning which is only multiple choice. The next week I have three more finals along with papers that are due with the final. I have a comparative politics final which is comprehensive and we are required to answer two essay questions and twenty multiple choice questions. Then I have a Courts and Society final which is just a test on three chapters, the catch is I have to write two papers for that class. Last but not least is my political science writing class which of course includes an essay and fixing sentences. I am just happy sjsu has that six week vacation to take a break from all these papers and tests.This semester has been very busy with taking six classes and working an average of 25 hours a week. Tuesdays and Thursdays were always my long days consistings of three classes, one of which is an aerobics class, then I get out of class at 2:45, then I had work at 4. Even though, next semester will probably be the same hours of work and school, I will still have the winter break to get some rest.

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